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Grunnleggende HMS-opplæring

Price: 7490 NOK

Dette kurset er primært tiltenkt for opplæring av verneombud og medlemmer av arbeidsmiljøutvalget (AMU), andre roller og individer involvert i HMS arbeid i organisasjoner og bedrifter vil også kunne ha utbytte av kurset for å danne grunnlaget for HMS forståelse, både teoretisk og i praksis.

Classroom, 6 hours

First aid for builders

Price: 3490 NOK

This course provides construction workers with the skills and knowledge necessary to respond to an emergency situation. It covers topics such as basic first aid principles, CPR, how to identify common medical conditions, and how to help someone who has been injured on the job.

Online course, 30 min

Noise hazards and control

Price: 490 NOK

This course will provide a comprehensive overview of noise hazards and how to control them. We will explore the different types of noises that can be hazardous, including loud industrial machinery and traffic, as well as higher-frequency noises from electronic devices.

Classroom, 6 Hours

First aid for children

Price: 4900 NOK

This course is designed to help you learn the essential skills needed to provide first aid care to children. It will help you understand how to quickly assess a child’s condition and respond in an effective manner, as well as provide guidance on how to prevent and treat common illnesses and injuries.

Online Course, 30 min

Basic wound care

Price: 490 NOK

This course introduces basic wound care principles in a comprehensive and detailed way. It covers topics such as prevention and management of wounds, including assessment of the wound, debridement, dressing selection, wound irrigation, disinfection techniques and wound closure methods.

Classroom, 6 Hours

Basic Life Support with AED

Price: 1990 NOK

This course will focus on the basics of life support with the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Participants in this course will explore techniques and tips for responding to a cardiac emergency, including recognition of signs and symptoms of a heart attack or stroke

Online course, 40 min

Chemicals management

Price: 490 NOK

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of chemicals management. It covers topics such as identifying hazardous chemicals and materials, understanding safety symbols and labels, assessing risk associated with chemical storage, developing and implementing safe handling procedures, and implementing safe disposal measures.

Online course, 40 min

Vibration hazards and control

Price: 490 NOK

This course will discuss vibrations hazards and how to control them. It will cover the different types of vibrations, their effects on the body, and how to mitigate these risks.

Online course, 3 hours

Basic risk assessment

Price: $650.00

This course will provide an overview of basic risk assessment practices and tools. Participants will learn how to identify risks in the workplace, evaluate their potential severity, select appropriate risk mitigation strategies, and accurately document their findings.

Online course, 4 Hours

Arctic medicine

Price: 1990 NOK

This course provides an in-depth exploration of arctic medicine, exploring the unique physical and psychological challenges faced by those living or working in remote and extreme cold weather environments.

Online Course, 30 min

Basic burn care

Price: 490 NOK

This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of basic burn care. It covers topics such as how to identify different types of burns, the stages of healing, dressing techniques, and pain management.

Online course, 3 Hours

Suturing for medics

Price: 990 NOK

This course provides participants with a comprehensive and in-depth look at suturing techniques for medical professionals. It covers a wide range of topics including the different types of sutures, their uses, and the specific techniques involved in successful suture installation.

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